Sirens, 20. - 22. June
20. - 22. June
Gender, dreams and freedom.
- Price165 - 380
- StageStudio stage
Dates & times
Ermira Goro’s new dance performance Sirens invites the audience on a sensual and mysterious journey into the world of desire and its social expression.
Hara Kotsali and Antonis Vais are transformed on stage, expressing through their movement a story of dreams and freedom.
The two bodies appropriate and reject stereotypical gender roles, creating an idiosyncratic language of self-expression. The original musical composition of the show is signed by Jeph Vanger.
Background material
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- Concept – Choreography
Ermira Goro
- Performers
Chara Kotsali
Adonis Vais - Music
Jeph Vanger
- Costume design
Venia Polyhronaki
- Lighting design
Vangelis Mountrichas
- Photography/Video
- Production Εxecution
Vicky Barboka
- Choreography Consultant
Marianna Kavallieratos
- Production
Movement material, choreography in collaboration with the performers
Supported by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture