Psalm for a Slut, 09. - 13. February 2022
Psalm for a Slut,
09. - 13. February 2022
The audience is invited into a contemplative space in the final part of the ULF goes Religious trilogy.
- Duration60 min
- StageStudio stage
Dates & times
- 09. February - 18:00
- 10. February - 18:00
- 11. February - 18:00
- 11. February - 20:00
- 12. February - 18:00
- 13. February - 18:00
In Psalm for a Slut, the homosexual body faces one final ritual. The body carries stories of love and pleasure, of yearning and loneliness. An abstract and quiet soundscape envelops the audience in a contemplative universe. In the presence of the naked body, we hover between the worldly and the sacred. In this interface, the human and vulnerable is laid bare, the body from which we can never escape.
The profane and the holy go hand in hand as ULF here presents the final part of the ULF goes Religious trilogy.
Ulf Nilseng is a prominent, distinctive and important voice in Norwegian dance art. As a choreographer, performer and gender anarchist, for many years he has been creating art that can be characterised as Queer. With the ULF company, he continues his exploration of the body, dance and ideas about freedom.
Background material
Ulf om Ulf Goes Religious
Møt Ulf Nilseng i samtale med formidlingskonsulent Jonas Øren.
Confessions on a dancefloor
I Psalm For a Slut ser dansekunstner Ulf Nilseng på hvordan det rituelle er knyttet til ensomhet, sykdom og død. Men forestillingen er absolutt ingen sørgestund.
Dansens Hus Podcast Episode 4
Podcastintervju med Ulf Nilseng.
Ulf Nilseng - En bildekavalkade
Ulf Nilseng viser tredje del av trilogien Ulf Goes Religious; Palm for a Slut, på Dansens Hus 9. til 13. februar. Dette er siste verk i trilogien hvor Gloryhole (2018), som ble vist på Bærum kulturhus og i Mexico var første, mens Brother-Making (2019), som ble spilt både på Dansens Hus og under Multiplie dansefestival i Trondheim, var andre verk. I trilogien utforsker han religion, seksualitet og skeivhet i forskjellige stadier av livet. Her er et fotografisk tilbakeblikk på hele trilogien.
- By and with
Ulf Nilseng
Corentin JPM Leven
Amund Ulvestad
Magnus Mikaelsen
Jorunn Kjersem Hildre - Photo
Tale Hendnes/Dansens Hus
Co-production: Bærum Kulturhus.
Supported by: Kulturrådet.