24. - 28. May 2022
24. - 28. May 2022
Amongst this years applicants to koreografilaboratoriet the jury has chosen four projects that will be exposed for an audience from May 24th to 28th atDdansens Hus. This years jury consist of Magnus Myhr, Cecilie Lindeman Steen and Huy Le Vo. The selected artists are Huyen Huyng, Lisa Collette Bysheim and Katrine Patry, Iannes Bruylant and Anna Benedicte Andresen and Tormod Midtbø.
Tormod Midtbø: Monstrosities
The contemporary desire to categorise and oppress will be challenged in Monstrosities. It embraces that which is inappropriate and ambiguous, turns it into something physical, and showcases it.
Huyen Huynh: Embrya
In Embrya, Huyen Huynh works to weave together material from earlier works into a personal solo about origin and identity, about the life of a mother and the dark sea.
Anna Benedicte Andresen/Iannes Bruylant: An existential duet
This is an attemptt to solve existenial problems by dance, weaving together in a playful manner text and movement.
Lisa Colette Bysheim/Katrine Patry: Blue Carousel
Blue Carousel explores power structures and portrayals of the seductive body, based on humour and the mating dance of birds.
Dansens Hus produksjonsteam
Prosjektleder: Kristin Skiftun
Kunstnerisk veileder og dramaturg: Magnus Myhr
Lys og video: Reidar Andreas Richardsen
Lyd: Nikolai Høgseth
Scene: Kent Rune Hansen
Background material
Dansens Hus Podcast, episode 13 - Koreografilaboratoriet
Dansens Hus Podcast - Koreografilaboratoriet
Koreografilaboratoriet lar deg se rykende ferske prosjekter av up-and-coming dansekunstnere og koreografer i Norge.
Dansens Hus Podcast : Huyen Huynh
I denne podcastepisoden snakker koreograf og danser Huyen Huynh om sin forestilling Embrya
Anna Benedicte Andresen & Iannes Bruylant
Koreografilaboratoriet: Tormod Midtbø
I dette intervjuet snakker dansekunstner Tormod Midtbø om sitt prosjekt Monstrosities
Koreografilaboratoriet: Lisa Colette Bysheim & Katrine Patry
I dette intervjuet snakker dansekunstnerne Lisa Colette Bysheim og Katrine Patry om prosjektet Blue Carousel.