19. May - 01. June
19. May - 01. June
DiGGfest is back!
DiGGfest (Dance in Gamle Oslo) fills Gamle Oslo with dance, with events scattered right across the district in parks and plazas, from Grønland to Bjørvika, and the Intercultural Museum and Deichman main library, from 19 May to 1 June!
Please note! Times and locations will be announced soon – watch this space for more details!
Don’t miss this outdoor dance festival!
19 to 27 May: DiGGFest at your school
We visit primary schools in Gamle Oslo with productions and workshops, giving schoolchildren a unique opportunity to experience and participate in the world of dance.
24 and 25 May: DiGGFest for all
The streets are filled with roving performances, pop-up shows, flash mobs, workshops and exciting surprises for all age groups. Experience comical inflatable characters, energetic dance pieces that engage the audience, colourful ‘Flekk’ dancers who turn up unexpectedly, and the visual piece ‘Approach 17 – Opening.’ There will be a special Backyard Party for young people on 24 May.
31 May and 1 June: Oslofjorden Danser DiGGFest
Experience Gamle Oslo in a new way through this unique roving production. The audience is guided through the district on land and on water, on a journey filled with dance and experiences.
Join us on a colourful celebration of dance in Gamle Oslo!
19 to 27 May: DiGGFest at your school
We visit primary schools in Gamle Oslo with productions and workshops, giving schoolchildren a unique opportunity to experience and participate in the world of dance.
24. og 25. mai : DiGGFest for alle
24 and 25 May: DiGGFest for all
The streets are filled with roving performances, pop-up shows, flash mobs, workshops and exciting surprises for all age groups. Experience comical inflatable characters, energetic dance pieces that engage the audience, colourful Flekker - dancers who turn up unexpectedly, and the visual piece Approach 17 – Opening. There will be a special Backyard Party for young people on 24 May. Venue: Gamle Oslo
Approach 17- Opening – The Yoann Bourgeois Art Company
En spennende danseforestilling som bruker en stor trampoline og en trapp! Se danseren hoppe, sveve og balansere mens han utforsker hvordan det er å ta valg og møte utfordringer.
Le Grand Phrase – Compagnie Didier Théron
De humoristiske, oppblåste karakterene leverer et spektakulær luftdanseshow i gatene, til glede for publikum i alle aldre.
Rose Rouge – Kvinnereller scenekunstkompani
Rose Rouge er et livlig dansestykke om vennskap som leker med publikum og spiller på forventninger i rytmisk koreografi.
Flekker – Yaniv Cohen
Fire fargerike Flekker dukker opp på tilfeldige steder i Gamle Oslo og sprer glede og moro med dans og musikk.
Åpen scene
Bli med på en energisk koreografivisning, workshops, jam og dansefest fylt med bevegelse og moro!
31 May and 1 June: Oslofjorden Danser DiGGFest
Experience Gamle Oslo in a new way through this unique roving production. The audience is guided through the district on land and on water, on a journey filled with dance and experiences.
DiGGfest is a cooperation between: Panta Rei Danseteater, Dansens Hus and Teater Manu.
Other cooperating partners: Interkulturelt museum, Akerselva trebåtforening, Den kulturelle skolesekken Oslo, (KIGO) Kultur i Gamle Oslo, Høyskolen i Kristiania Institutt for scenekunst, dansekunst, m.fl.
DiGGfest is made possible by support from: Kulturrådet, Bergesenstiftelsen, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, Oslo kommune and Talent Norge.