any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones, 14. - 15. April 2023
any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones,
14. - 15. April 2023
A large-scale dance production for 17 dancers of all ages and from different backgrounds, inspired by global activism and popular uprisings.
- Duration90 min
- Price360
- StageMain stage
Dates & times
- 14. April - 19:00
- 15. April - 17:00 (Few available)
The production’s title is a direct quote from the Chinese President Xi Jinping, who said that “any attempt (at dividing China) will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones”, when violent demonstrations were dominating the streets of Hong Kong. Choreographer Jan Martens was shocked that this statement by a national leader was allowed to pass so easily. He therefore wanted to create a large, physical dance production that shows the power of movement, of daring to go against the flow and push the boundaries. Political protest songs from different eras form the soundtrack that ties the production together.
Background material
Nå tør jeg å være mer politisk
Etter ti år i som koreograf, er belgiske Jan Martens klar for vår hovedscene. I hans siste forestilling any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones står ikke mindre enn 17 dansere på scenen, en fargerik blanding når det gjelder både alder, etnisitet og kjønn.
Podcast: Jan Martens
Diktatur og dans
Smak på ordet rave. Et ord mange har et forhold til, enten personlig eller bare har hørt om og har mange forestillinger om. Ord som ulovlig, dop, politirazzia, ungdomsopprør, hemmelighold, subkultur og avvik er alle ord eller følelser knyttet til rave-begrepet.
- Choreography
Jan Martens
- Dance
Ty Boomershine
Truus Bronkhorst
Jim Buskens
Zoë Chungong
Piet Defrancq
Naomi Gibson
Kimmy Ligtvoet
Cherish Menzo
Steven Michel
Gesine Moog
Dan Mussett
Wolf Overmeire
Tim Persent
Courtney May Robertson
Laura Vanborm
Loeka Willems (alternerer på turné)
Pierre Bastin (alternerer på turné)
Georgia Boddez (alternerer på turné)
Zora Westbroek (alternerer på turné)
Lia Witjes-Poole (alternerer på turné)
Camilla Bundel (alternerer på turné)
Paolo Yao (alternerer på turné)
Abigail Aleksander (understudy)
Maisie Woodford (understudy)
Simon Lelievre (understudy)
Solal Mariotte (understudy)
Baptiste Cazaux (original cast) - Artistic assistance
Anne-Lise Brevers
- Lighting design
Jan Fedinger
- Assistance lighting design
Vito Walter
- Costume design
Cédric Charlier
- Assistance costume design
Alexandra Sebbag
Thibault Kuhn - Outside eye
Marc Vanrunxt
Renée Copraij
Rudi Meulemans
Siska Baeck - Technical direction
Michel Spang
- Technicians
Michel Spang
Valentijn Weyn
Nele Verreyken - Production manager
Sylvie Svanberg
- Produksjonsassistent
Marie Luyten (internship)
Saskia Vervoort - Finansiell ledelse
Klaartje Oerlemans
- Assisterende forretningsledlese
Lotte De Mont
Ruud Van Moorleghem - Kommunikasjon
Sam Loncke
- Photo
Phile Deprez
- Grafisk design
Luis Xertu
- Teasere og trailere
Stanislav Dobak and Jan Fedinger
Text: Excerpt from SPRING by Ali Smith. Copyright © 2019, Ali Smith, med tillatelse fra The Wylie Agency (UK) Limited
Music: “Concerto pour Clavecin et Cordes Op 40” Réf Im: 108884 Musique de Henryk Mikolaj
Górecki © PWM Editions représenté par Alphonse Leduc Editions Musicales ; “People’s Faces” written by Kae Tempest and Dan Carey © Published and Administered by Domino Publishing Company Limited (50%) and MANATA LTD Administrated by Warner/Chappell Music Belgium N.V. (50%) ;
“Triptych: Prayer/Protest/Peace” written by Maxwell Roach © Published by Milma Publishing Company Administered by Kobalt Music Publishing Limited.
Music Publishing Limited.
Production: GRIP
In collaboration with: Dance On Ensemble
International distribution: A Propic / Line Rousseau og Marion Gauvent
Co-production: DE SINGEL (Antwerp, BE), Theater Freiburg (DE), Sadler’s Wells (London, UK), Julidans (Amsterdam, NL), Festival d’Avignon (FR), Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France (FR), Norrlandsoperan (Umeå, SE), La Bâtie - Festival de Genève & l’ADC - Association pour la Danse Contemporaine Genève (CH), tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf, DE), Le Parvis Scène Nationale Tarbes-Pyrénéés (Tarbes, FR), La Danse en grande forme (Cndc - Angers, Malandain Ballet Biarritz, La Manufacture - CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux – La Rochelle, CCN de Caen en Normandie, L’échangeur - CDCN Hauts-de- France, CCN de Nantes, CCN d’Orléans, Atelier de Paris / CDCN, Collectif Fair-e / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne, Le Gymnase | CDCN Roubaix | Hauts-de-France, POLE-SUD CDCN / Strasbourg and La Place de La Danse - CDCN Toulouse Occitanie) og Perpodium.
With the support of: De Grote Post (Ostend, BE), Charleroi Danse (BE), CCNO - Centre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans icw Théâtre d’Orléans (FR) og December Dance (Concertgebouw and CC Brugge)
With the financial support of: the Flemish Government, the city of Antwerp, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government og Cronos Invest
Thanks to: Mr. Jean Chabert (STANLEY/STELLA), Wannes Labath og de! Kunsthumaniora