4/4, 22. - 24. November 2024
22. - 24. November 2024
The blueprint for choreographic precision.
- Duration60 min
- Price165 - 360
- StageMain stage
Dates & times
- 22. November - 19:00
- 23. November - 17:00
- 24. November - 19:00
4/4 is Antony Hamilton’s blueprint for choreographic precision and physical endurance. Eight dancers perform a stark symphony of mesmerising movement against the backdrop of minimalist design. As episode after episode builds upon the last, quartets and duets converge and diverge in ever more hypnotic configurations.
The individuality of the eight dancers comes to the fore despite the boundaries of choreographic restraint. With backgrounds in Krump, freestyle Hip-Hop, House and contemporary dance techniques, the diversity in the dancers' artistic lineages, coupled with Hamilton's striking craftsmanship, creates an utterly distinct and uniquely Australian dance work.
In a world full of commotion and clamour, 4/4 is a captivating meditation of meticulous, mesmerising choreography.
Flashing lights will be used during the perfromance.
Background material
Dechiffrere et danseverk
I forkant av den internasjonale turneen til forestillingen 4/4, svarer koreograf Antony Hamilton på tallmønstrene som driver og former den detaljerte og høyt tekniske forestillingen 4/4.
Podcast: Antony Hamilton & Chunky Move
Plukk og miks
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- Concept and Direction
Antony Hamilton
- Choreography
Antony Hamilton with Mason Kelly, Melissa Pham, David Prakash, Harrison Ritchie-Jones, Aimee Schollum, Michaela Tancheff, Nikki Tarling, Jayden Wall
- Performers
Melissa Pham
David Prakash
Harrison Ritchie-Jones
Aimee Schollum
Kyall Shanks
Michaela Tancheff
Nikki Tarling
Jayden Wall - Understudy
Samakshi Sidhu
- Costume Design
Paula Levis
- Sound Design
Alisdair Macindoe
- Lighting Design
Bosco Shaw
- Associate Lighting Designer
Nick Moloney
- Stage manager
Lyndie Li Wan Po
- Production Design
Ashley Buchanan
Antony Hamilton - Photo
Gianna Rizzo
4/4 is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body, and through the International Cultural Diplomacy Arts Fund